Vietnam’s countryside is filled with grain fields and these cities with grain dishes. Grain fuels people’s stomachs, too as the system. Vietnam is the second-largest exporter of grain in the whole globe and is the 7th biggest user of cereal according to the International rice Research association.
On the normal summertime, the light is glowing and the temperature feels as though it’s continuously growing, creating conditions highly unpleasant for these grain farmers that protect their bodies from head to toe to avoid the sunlight.
Vietnam rice export price varies because for rice price, just like a stock market. If you want to know the current price of Vietnam rice, then get in touch with our Sales Manager on Whatsapp/ Viber.
Vietnam Telephone Number: +84 (0) 765 248 528
WhatsApp / Viber Number: +84 (0) 933 914 065

Vietnam Rice Exporter
As the second-largest cereal manufacturer, consumer, and exporter, Vietnam plays an important part in the international rice system. Vietnam is the leading provider of low- grade long-grain rice and fragrant jasmine rice.
Like China, Vietnam views rice as an important commodity for food safety from cereals (rice and corn). Therefore, the government intervenes in the industry through seed acquisition, cost supports, and export subsidies. In recent years the government has procured some 25% of this yearly harvested harvest to fill government funds.
Grain production in Vietnam at the Mekong and Red River deltas is crucial to the food supply in the region and the domestic system. Vietnam is one of the world's richest rural areas and is the second-largest (after Siam) exporter worldwide and this earth's seventh-largest user of cereal.
The river Delta is the heart of the rice-producing part of the land where food, boats, homes, and markets exist to make a generous yield of rice. Vietnam's farming region of 33 million ha has three ecosystems that govern rice society.
The most obvious irrigated rice structure is the river Delta. Vietnam has no substantial industry assistance policies or export grant programs. Vietnam and the other leading oriental rice exporters (Taiwan, India, Pakistan, and Thailand) have talked about the formation of the grain goods cartel in reaction to this low world prices for rice since 1999.
India rejected this idea, but that others are producing this idea. Vietnam has emerged as an important electronics exporter, with electric and electronic products overtaking chocolate, textiles, and grain to grow the nation’s best commodity item.
We are Vietnam’s largest exporter and has helped this nation attain the trade surplus like never before in some years. This next seems to be very exciting for the pharmaceutical industry in Vietnam. Vietnam’s pharmaceutical industry has grown to US $ 5.2 billion at quantity in 2018 up to now and is forecasted to get US $ 6.6 billion by 2020. Vietnam is the leading low- quality long-grain cereal exporter. Thus, tariff reform by importers of the kind of rice could largely help Vietnam.
Exports could be required to change from 2.7 million measured tons to 3.1 million metric tons, and costs could increase somewhat to $ 185 per metric ton. Vietnam has steady increased its amount of high-quality milled long-grain cereal.
Business effort could change the amount moderately, too as its cost. In aggregate, Asian consumers could suffer from higher costs by $ 210 million annually, but producers could increase $ 229 million. Developing nations are the primary participants in the world rice business, accounting for 83 percent of exports and 85 percent of imports. While there are many importers of grain, the exporters of grain are restricted.
Only five nations – Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, the United States and India – in decreasing rule of exported amounts, accounted for nearly three-quarters of world grain exports at 2002. Nevertheless, the ranking has been quickly changing in recent years. At 2010, these three largest exporters of grain, at decreasing rule of amount exported were Thailand, Vietnam and India. Rice has limited position in some of Asia.
Vietnam is common among the top three grain exporters. Japan maintains high internal grain costs through tough border barriers. Being the Uruguay Round (UR) of the WTO, Japan was compelled to initiate the huge TRQ that makes it one of these larger rice-importing countries. Nevertheless, the higher over-quota tariff has forbidden business outside the TRQ, and the Government carefully manages business within the TRQ. As a consequence, imported grain normally does not get consumers tables but is exported as food assistance, feed to animals, or used for process. Vietnam attempts to keep rice exports to sustain stable costs.
We studied industry consolidation and value communication in the world rice export industry using rice price information from the three major rice-exporting countries: Thailand, Vietnam, and the United States. These results suggest that the global rice export industry is well integrated, despite industry thinness, higher exporter density, and potential government involvement.
The Thai cost leads America and Asian prices, while Vietnam is Asian and USA price changes. Furthermore, the global grain supply arises from three rice-exporting countries but: Thailand, India, and Vietnam. Thus, sharp changes in the business policies of these three exporting nations will lead to hoarding and speculating by rice-importing nations, thereby seriously taking costs up with the impending danger of worsening poverty in Asian countries (where rice makes the great staple food for the poor).
Vietnam Rice Export Price
We are Wholesale Rice Trader, Rice Supplier and Rice Exporter of broken rice & long grain Jasmine rice in Vietnam. To know the rice export price please contact our Sales Team through Whatsapp.
For more information regarding long-grain Vietnamese Jasmine rice prices do not hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards
David Sen
Office Address: SCREC TOWER
L/C /13 04 Truong Sa / Q12 / District 3
Vietnam Telephone Number: +84 (0) 765 248 528
WhatsApp / Viber Number: +84 (0) 933 914 065