The scientific name of rice is Oryza sativa. The length of the crop is 4 feet. In countries like Asia and Africa, rice is the most widely consumed staple food for many humans around the world. It is the third most-produced product. In many Asian countries, Rice is deeply engraved in their rich culture and tradition. According to many studies, Rice is consumed six times per day. Read further to understand the economic importance of rice production.

The many benefits of rice regularly eating are as follows:
1) Natural Anti-inflammatory and gluten-free. They are good for health a good t
2) Improve nervous system health. Then how is your health and fitness and
3) Good source of energy.
4) Diuretic and digestive qualities; Prevents constipation.
5) Can help reduce Cancer Risks.
6) Can be used for skin care.
7) Prevents Obesity.
8) Good source of protein.
9) Promotes heart health.
10) Controlling blood sugar.
More consumption of rice can lead to weight gain, but healthy consumption of rice does not gain weight.
Most of them do not realize the importance of consuming rice.
When you eat this food you feel fuller and you can absorb more of the nutrients due to the higher level of proteins and enzymes it contains. Your bones improve. Your immunity system gets stronger and it leads to good sleep.
Why Rice is important in Vietnam?
Rice is a staple food in Vietnam, more important to the economy and population at a lower income class, and thus an important intervention point for fostering agricultural production and alleviating poverty. Rice is what many farmers are growing, but it is also what almost all customers are consuming.
Unlike other crops which fail to withstand all the weather condition, rice withstands all the weather conditions. Uncontrolled flooding is a problem, however, because rice cannot survive if submerged underwater for long periods. At present, about 20 million hectares of the world’s rice-growing area is at risk of occasionally being flooded to submergence level, particularly in major rice-producing countries such as India and Bangladesh. Rice production in some areas has a positive impact on climate change.
For example, in the northern region of countries like China, a global temperature rise might allow more rice production to occur or growing two rice crops where, until now, only one can be grown per year. Yet, the change in climate does not affect the growth of rice in a major way.
Parts of a Rice Grain
The following anatomical terminology may be used in this guide when describing variations in rice types.
Hull - Each grain of rice is covered in a rough outer hull or husk that needs to be separated before it can be eaten. The hull is light brown in colour. This layer is eliminated and removed in all forms of rice.
Bran - The bran layer is not eliminated under the hull of all forms of rice. This nutritious whole grain portion is generally tan-colored but can be reddish or black depending on the pigmentation in the layers of the bran. The bran layer may be eaten, but it is also eliminated as rice is further refined.
Rice White - After the layers of the bran and germ have been separated, white rice remains. Identified as the endosperm, which is the most widely used component of the rice.
Germs - Founded under a hull, a germ, or a rice kernel, is nutrient-dense. Complete with B vitamins, minerals, and proteins, it helps to give the rice its color and nutritious benefits.
Types of Rice
Let us explores rice types that distinguish between varieties of rice, from basmati to fragrant jasmine and more! Explained all the important varieties of rice, in term of length and shape, texture, color and aroma.
Rice is a favorite of every kitchen, and with so many different varieties, it lends itself to an infinite range of recipes.
However, before you add the same sort of rice to any dish you cook, think twice. Substituting one form of rice for another will potentially alter the outcome of the recipe.
Each type of rice has its own flavor, texture, and specific properties that fit well with various cooking applications.
Length and Shape
Rice is sometimes classified as one of three varieties-long grain, medium grain, and short-grain rice. These varieties contribute to the length and form of the grain. Simply stated, long grain rice will have a longer cylindrical shape, whereas short grain rice will be shorter and broader.
Long Grain Rice - This rice has milled grains which are at least three to four times as long as they are large. Due to its starch structure, when cooked, it is separate, light, and fluffy.
Medium Grain Rice - In contrast to long grain rice, medium-grain rice has a thinner, larger kernel. Since the cooked grains are more moist and tender than the long grain rice, the rice is more likely to hold together.
Small Grain Rice - Fitted with grains that are less than twice as long as they are large, this rice is short and better suited for sushi. When cooked, it has a sticky texture.
You'll want to ask about the desired texture of the rice while preparing rice dishes. The starch content ranges from the type of rice to the type of rice. It's going to affect whether the rice is sticky or light and fluffy.
Sticky Rice - Also known as sweet rice, sticky rice is primarily cultivated in Southeast and East Asia and is used in many common Asian foods, desserts, and sweets. When cooked, sticky rice is extremely sticky and is frequently ground into rice flour.
Parboiled Rice - This "rough" rice has undergone a steam-pressure process prior to milling, which gelatinizes the starch in the kernel. This method creates a more separate grain, which is light and fluffy when baked. Converted rice is a form of parboiled rice that has been further pre-cooked, essentially helping you to whip up rice dishes much faster.
Rice is normally brown after processing, but when the nutrient-rich outer layer of the bran is stripped, the color is white. Red rice, black rice, and purple rice are all uniquely pigmented in the bran. In the case of these vivid rice types, the bran layer typically stays for additional aesthetic appeal and nutritional benefit.
Polished Rice - The word "polished" applies simply to white rice that has lost its outer brown coating of bran and germ. Rice that has lost the layers of bran can also be referred to as "milled rice."
Brown Rice - This healthy rice discards its outer husk and preserves its bran and germ layers which give it a characteristic tan color. While brown rice takes a little longer to cook than white rice, the nutrient-dense layers are rich in vitamins and minerals.
Forbidden Rice - High in nutritious content, this rice is also known as black rice and has a faint nutty taste. Lightly sticky when cooked, it is used in a number of Chinese or Thai recipes, including Chinese black rice cake and mango sticky rice. Pair it with white rice and add flavor to every rice pilaf or rice dish.
Wild Rice - The wild rice grains of the genus Zizania are obtained from grasses. Strong in protein, wild rice brings vivid and tropical flair to every rice dish. Serve with stir-fry, mushroom soups, or any fresh saucepan.
Aroma is another aspect to remember while cooking rice. Certain types of rice give off good fragrances when they are baked. Bring a sensory aspect to the dining experience of your guests with these styles of rice.
Basmati Rice - Basmati rice is a type of long-grain rice that is popular with Indian cuisine and other ethnic dishes. Cooked basmati rice has a subtly nutty or popcorn-like taste and scent.
Jasmine Rice - Jasmine rice, also referred to as Thai fragrant rice, is a type of long grain rice with a long kernel and slightly sticky texture when fried. Using it to add a faint taste and fragrance of jasmine to your dishes.
As seen above, there are a range of considerations involved in deciding which rice is ideally suited to the needs. Need a sample of these rice, then contact us through call or whatsapp number:
Vietnam Telephone Number: +84 (0) 765 248 528
WhatsApp / Viber Number: +84 (0) 933 914 065
Take a look at these varieties of rice to see which flavor profile, colour, weight, and texture would fit better for your needs.
Now that you know which types of rice work best with your recipes, contact us for bulk rice supply. Don't forget that we have a all range of rice to suit your needs.
Export Rice from Vietnam
Vietnam is the leading exporter of Rice to the global markets. Below provides step-by-step instructions for order rice at your place.
Step 1: Visit us rice-Vietnam (The professional import-export rice company)
Step 2: Call us or Whatsapp us - +84 (0) 933 914 065
Step 3: Tell us your requirements, quantity
Step 4: Send us your LOI (Letter of Intention)
Step 5: Rice price negotiation as per the quality and quantity
Step 6: Within 10-15 days your rice will be exported via container ship
Why is rice important?
Rice is the world's main human food commodity, directly feeding more people than any other crop. In 2012, almost half of the world's population – more than 3 billion people – depended on rice every day. It is also a staple food in Asia, where about half of the world's poorest people live and are becoming increasingly relevant in Africa and Latin America.
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) report Climate Change: Impact on Agriculture and Costs of Adaptation forecasts that by 2050 rice prices will increase between 32 and 37% as a result of climate change. They also show that rice productivity will reduce by 14% in South Asia, 10% in East Asia and the Pacific, and 15% in Sub-Saharan Africa. Among 3 billion people, more than half of the population depends on rice for their survival, that is 1.5 billion people.
Rice contains fiber, protein, vitamin-B, iron, and manganese depending upon their varieties, which involve a vital role against malnutrition. It is mainly consumed in countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and China. In Asia, 70% of the population consumes rice as their main diet. Rice produces 15% of per capita protein and 21% of human per capita energy.
It is important to protect Rice yields and quality by preventing disease. Like insects and weeds, the untreated disease can have a dramatic effect on rice at harvest. Sheath blight, kernel smut, false smut, and panicle blast are economically damaging rice diseases that attack the plant. There are effective ways a farmer or producer of a crop should ensure, such as getting a healthy, uniform stand with a good variety, water effectively, control weeds, especially grasses, fertilize it properly. Rice is one of the most important products for farmers as they grow it in hectare land areas and investment is less comparing to other products.
Rice is used in everyday life. It is consumed as the main dish, side dishes, used in soups, etc. It is thrown in weddings according to Asian culture. It is used for healing as it consists of high fiber, it easily digests and reduces blood pressure.
However, once the crop is in permanent flood, then the focus turns to protect its yield potential, and that means guarding against disease. The best way to stop losses from disease is by genetically modified crops and involving timely treatments with effective and harmless fungicides. Not only can fungicides increase yields, but they also improve milling quality. With the rising cost of the materials required for farming, the farmers and producers maximize their returns by using economical fungicides which may be harmless or harmful at the olden period of time, but thanks to innovations, farmers get good harmless fungicides at low cost.
Rice is grown by many farmers around the world. There are over 158 million hectares of land where rice is cultivated over 144 million rice farms. Makhara, a common rice variety is consumed all over the world by humans. Rice is consumed in normal form as well as made into noodles, beverages in Japan, batter, etc in the Asian part of the world.
The generic varieties were introduced in the late 1960s during the Green Revolution. The deficiency of food has led to the death of 670,000 under the age of 5 and more than 500,000 children have become blind due to the deficiency of Vitamin-A. Golden rice, produced through genetic engineering which contains beta-carotene, which is a precursor of Vitamin-A. This marks that rice is the savior for many livelihoods.
The quote of Auguste Escoffier, the famous French chef, “RICE IS THE BEST, THE MOST NUTRITIVE AND UNQUESTIONABLY THE MOST WIDESPREAD STAPLE IN THE WORLD” marks the importance of rice and how it provides nutrition for many nations when they suffer from poverty.
Ask us for the price of rice
We're working 24x7 in rice fields and rice mills for customers to find the right price for rice to make the most comfortable deal. From jasmine rice to long white rice, 5 percent broken to 100 percent broken rice, we're still happy to give you what you need and predict.
So next time if you are looking for a rice supplier and exporter, please do contact us:
My HANG or David SEN
Office Address: SCREC TOWER
L/C /13 04 Truong Sa / Q12 / District 3
Vietnam Telephone Number: +84 (0) 765 248 528
WhatsApp / Viber Number: +84 (0) 933 914 065
For more details, we can be contacted through WhatsApp/Viber.